Month: July 2020
Route: West Oxfordshire and the Cotswolds
by Cyclist Sharon, rides Road, MTB 📏Distance: 47 miles ⏱️ Duration: 3:44 hours 🚴 Difficulty: Intermediate 🚲 Terrain: road Come July, I took advantage of the fair weather and took on a ride through the tranquil and picturesque Countryside of West Oxfordshire and the Cotswolds. A cycling route in Oxfordshire is something that this blog was lacking thus far, and was very happy to pick up the gauntlet. Though this area is perfect all year long, especially when it's still warm, this route provides a perfect scene to wash your eyes with breathtaking rural English views.
Route: Five Parks (London)
by Cyclist Yoni & Cyclist Chris, both ride Brompton 📏Distance: 27 miles ⏱️ Duration: 2:30 hours 🚴 Difficulty: Beginner 🚲 Terrain: road Last Sunday we've taken on a rather "social cycling route". It was fairly long, but when you're riding in a group, the aim is not necessarily to find the highest cat-hill to climb or the hardest terrain to cross. Instead, we opted for a route where we could wash our eyes with great city-scapes , with a moderate plus effort level. We've named this route 'Five Parks'. Recommended for beginners with enough stamina for two and a half...
Guide: I'm a noob cyclist, what to pack for a long ride?
by Cyclist Yoni, rides Brompton, Gravel and MTB One of Cyclondon's most pressing aims is to help newbie cyclists getting comfortable with cycling. Those of you who have just now taken on cycling, may have some questions concerning some longer than usual rides, the most common one would be "What to pack for a long ride". We are meant to be a blog by cyclists for cyclists, and rather than some super-duper gear review which isn't useful to 99% of us, we will try to help you tackle issues as mentioned above.
Route: Potters Bar & Folly Arch
by Cyclist Yoni, rides Brompton, Gravel and MTB 📏Distance: 18-18.5 miles ⏱️ Duration: 1:35 hours 🚴 Difficulty: intermediate 🚲 Terrain: road/uneven Last Sunday we've taken on not only cycling up hill on a North to London route, but also 15-20 mph winds, which kept us humble throughout the course. The Folly Arch, which lies at the end of Potters Bar, was our half-way point, although if u have several hours, this can very well turn to a gravel/expert route all the way to Brookmans Park. A good cycling up hill effort if you want to practice some more than moderate...
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